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Sony: Another Beta Dud, or Blu-Ray Success

Posted by Nemesis June 24, 2009

A little while ago we gave news on the PSP Go, the latest handheld from Sony, which you can read about Here. The major impact on the PSP Go is that it will do away with the classic PSP's UMD drive and have an internal 16 GB Hard drive with the capability for using Memory Stick Pro Duo's.

Now what is the significance of this you ask ? Simple really, if the PSP is flop it will go down in history as the only system in history to only use an internal hard drive and be the only system to have games as a download only, thus keeping writable media such as Blu-Ray & DVD and the next generation of writable media as a constant in the gaming industry.

If the PSP Go is a success then it may change the face of gaming as we know it. Currently PSN allows for users to purchase games as downloadable content for their systems. Xbox Live even currently allows this, but most game sales are of actual purchased product.

Sony's PSP Go will be different in that all games will have to be downloaded and more then likely purchased from PSN. Now one of the major flaws I see with this so far is the limitations of the PSP Go`s internal hard drive of only 16 GB. Sony`s UMD currently employed on the PSP can hold up to 1.8 GB of data. Assuming that your average game could be around the 1 GB mark in size would easily mean your PSP Go could only handle about 16 Games. Not alot if you ask me, and thats not taking into account having music, pictures, and videos on my PSP. Not alot of room if you ask me.

Granted the use of memory cards comes into play allowing you to store more, but still offers having to purchase sizable memory cards in order to play or store more games.

On the plus side of the PSN using downloadable games for the PSP Go could mean that games prices could in result becoming cheaper as the need to create and write to media storage device such as a UMD would be gone, the cost to produce a game could also be lower. As well as then allowing PSP games to be bigger then the current UMD 1.8 GB limit. This would also apply to UMD movies on the PSP Go.

A lot of this has multiple aspects, one being that you would not have to run out to a store to get your latest copy of the coolest game, you could just wake up sign in and download it. The downfall to that is of course downloading, not everyone`s Internet connection, assuming you would have one, is the same. So it might take awhile to get a game instead of being able to run to your local gaming store to buy a copy of said game.

Now of course we could go back and forth with the many aspects of this but lets face it, no matter what the PSP Go will go down in history, as either the blunder of Sony`s handheld gaming, or the revolutionary system that changed the face of gaming.

Only time will tell, but please sure your thoughts and opinions.


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